
Global Excellence Model for Skills Education and Training (GEMSET)

This project is to train and equip TVET Institution Leaders on the concept of GEMSET and to apply the 7 dimensions of TVET Excellence Attributes in the preparation and submission of GEMSET Application Report. Some 30 Leaders from DGTVET, National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) and National Technical Training Institute (NTTI) participated in this project.

ITEES 20th Anniversary

In celebration of ITEES 20th Anniversary on 20 Oct 2023,  the 20th Anniversary Book, titled A Surprising Story was launched at the milestone event. The commemorative book provides a comprehensive read of ITEES' impactful journey in transforming lives globally through education and skill development for over two decades.

Rethinking TVET Excellence for Transformation and Sustainable Impact Leadership Training Programme for Multi-Country Leaders

ITEES conducted a 3-day Leadership Training Programme from 7 to 9 Mar 2023 for a total of 15 participants from 9 different countries/economies, namely, Cambodia, India, Philippines, Malaysia, Jordan, Guyana, Palestinian Authority, Nauru and Indonesia.

TVET (Industry 4.0) Programme in Thailand

ITEES trained 17 specialists from the Office of Vocational Education Commission (OVEC), Thailand, over an 8-day Skills Upgrading Course in Robotics and Smart Systems from 20 to 29 Mar 2023 in Singapore.

TVET in Industry 4.0: Technologies, Threats and Opportunities Leadership Training Programme for Multi-Country Leaders

ITEES conducted a 5-day Leadership Training Programme from 27 to 31 Mar 2023 for a total of 22 participants from 17 different countries, namely Azerbaijan, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Cambodia, Gambia, Georgia, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malawi, Malaysia, Oman, Sudan, Tanzania and Togo.