TVET in Industry 4.0: Technologies, Threats and Opportunities Leadership Training Programme for Multi-Country Leaders

ITEES conducted a 5-day Leadership Training Programme from 27 to 31 Mar 2023 for a total of 22 participants from 17 different countries, namely Azerbaijan, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Cambodia, Gambia, Georgia, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malawi, Malaysia, Oman, Sudan, Tanzania and Togo.

The objective of this Programme was to challenge the mind-set of high-level government officials such as TVET Directors and Principals who are key drivers and decision makers for TVET development to rethink and reform their existing TVET systems, and to gain insights into the role of TVET in providing solutions for education and manpower development, as well as achieving social and economic well-being. Through this Programme, participants gained an in-depth understanding on:

  • Singapore’s Skill Future Program, Industry Transformation Maps, Smart Industry Readiness Index, Priority Matrix, Skill Deepening Curriculum for full-time students and adult continual learning;
  • Industry 4.0 transformation journey of ITE to create industry 4.0 technical training.

With the sharing of the best practices and systems, the programme had equipped the participants with the knowledge to aid in their subsequent review and creation of relevant Industry 4.0 initiatives and TVET organisation improvements for their own countries and organisations.

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