ITEES Wavemakers 5-Year Strategic Plan

ITEES WAVEMAKERS is a 5-year Strategic Plan putting ITEES on an odyssey of global outreach, generating waves of positive global impact in Skills Education and Training (SET) for the international community. Resolute in our vision of a Global Partner of Choice in Transforming Lives through SET, staying focused on our mission of impacting SET globally and guided by values of Integrity, Teamwork, Excellence, Enterprise and Services, we are committed to serving our international partners to transform and enhance their skills eco-systems.


To Impact Skills Education and Training Internationally Leveraging on the Singapore System


A Global Partner of Choice in Transforming Lives through Skills Education and Training


Integrity | Teamwork | Excellence | Enterprise | Services

Message from CEO

Message from CEO

The Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and its predecessors have played a critical role in enhancing Singapore’s human capital, contributing towards its economic and social development. ITE has developed a robust and resilient Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system that is now recognised globally through waves of transformation guided by its five strategic planning roadmaps. Many developing and developed countries have used ITE as a benchmark as they aspire to attain a world-class TVET system to support their economic development and industrialisation efforts.

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Board of Directors

Mr Heng Chiang Gnee

Mr Heng Chiang Gnee

Chairman, ITEES Board
Director, HCC Management Pte Ltd
Mr Suresh Natarajan

Mr Suresh Natarajan

Chief Executive Officer
ITE Education Services Pte Ltd
Ms Low Khah Gek

Ms Low Khah Gek

Chief Executive Officer
Institute of Technical Education
Dr Jaclyn Lee Mui Suan

Dr Jaclyn Lee Mui Suan

Chief Human Resources Officer
Certis Cisco Security Pte Ltd
Mr Jonathan Tow Shen Han

Mr Jonathan Tow Shen Han

Saga Four Pte Ltd
Mr Anthony Ang Meng Huat

Mr Anthony Ang Meng Huat

Non-Resident Ambassador, Tunisia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
Mr Phua Han Tian

Mr Phua Han Tian

Innovation & Enterprise and Science and Engineering Research Council, A*STAR

ITEES & ITE Colleges

ITEES@ITE Headquarters

ITE College Central

ITE College West

ITE College East