Upgrading of Skills Training to Competency-based Curriculum for 8 Technical Training Institutes under the Skills for Competitiveness Project


Academic • Capability • Quality

Cambodia’s Industrial Development Policy 2015–2025 aims for a structural transformation of the economy, from a labour intensive to a knowledge-based economy. As such, there was a need to transform and enhance its current TVET system to produce highly skilled manpower to support the new economy.

About the project

Project Scope: In this project, ITEES provided consultancy and training services to implement competency-based curricula in four priority sectors (manufacturing, electrical, electronics and construction) for 8 technical training institutesn(TTIs). Six new Higher Diploma courses were developed under 4 priority sectors, and they are Machining, Mechatronics, Agro-Processing, Electrical, Electronics and Machining.  Besides curriculum development, ITEES also provided technical assistance in procurement of equipment, training of trainers for both pedagogical and technical skills, guidance in the implementation of the courses.

Impact & Outcome:  As of Sep 2023, ITEES has developed the curriculum documents and learning materials for the 6 Higher Diploma courses, trained at least 150 trainers in pedagogical skills, provided teaching and learning guides for the implementation of 6 courses over 8 institutes, trained and guided the TTI staff in engaging and providing at least 16 short courses for industry workers.

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