Capabilities Development Programme for Department of Education and Training



This is a capability development project for the Department of Education and Training (DOET), Vietnam to upgrade staff capabilities in TVET Leadership, Pedagogical Skills and Curriculum Design, Development & Assessment.

About the project

Project Scope: Participants for the three programmes came from public schools, colleges and DOET Headquarters.

The Leadership Training Programme was conducted for a week in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and 2 weeks in Singapore, aimed at strengthening the leadership and management competence of 25 leaders.

The Curriculum Design, Development & Assessment Programme (CDDA) was conducted for 2 weeks in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and a week in Singapore, aimed at upgrading the curriculum development competence of 25 master trainers.

The Master Trainer Pedagogy Programme (MTPP) was conducted for 2 weeks in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, followed by an 8-week practicum in the participants’ institutions and a final 2 weeks in Singapore, aimed at upgrading the pedagogical delivery skills of 25 master trainers.

Impact & Outcome: Within 6 months after the completion of each run of the CDDA and MTPP, DOET arranged for the 50 trained master trainers to share their knowledge with another 150 trainers (or a multiplier ratio of 1:3). These workshops aimed to cascade the learning to benefit other trainers who did not attend the CDDA and MTPP conducted by ITEES.

A total of 25 leaders and 50 master trainers were trained, who in turn, had trained another 66 leaders and 266 trainers, surpassing the targeted multiplier ratio of 1:3.

The programme was co-funded by Temasek Foundation, Singapore.

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