Design Thinking Immersion and Entrepreneurship For Innovation Programme



This training programme aimed to equip TVET leaders and trainers from the Office of Vocational Education Commission (OVEC) with vital skills and knowledge in creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

About the project

Project Scope: The Design Thinking Immersion and Entrepreneurship For Innovation Programme (DTIEFIP) equipped OVEC trainers with design thinking and entrepreneurship skills. This improved TVET delivery by fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among students.  The training program in Singapore consisted of 1 week of Design Thinking (DTI) and 1 week of Entrepreneurship For Innovation (EFI). During DTI, trainers identified needs and developed concepts. These concepts were then applied in EFI to create business plans.  Through this training, OVEC trainers understood the Design Thinking process, which could drive innovation in industry. They gained insights into user needs, delving deep into problems and desires. This enabled them to create holistic and innovative frameworks and develop plans from design ideas and concepts.

Impact & Outcome: As of Apr 2019, ITEES had implemented all 4 runs of DTIEFIP for a total of 20 leaders and 60 specialists who in turn had trained another 393 trainers through a series of Post-Training Sharing Workshops held in Thailand. The aim of the workshops was to cascade the learning to benefit other participants who did not attend the programme conducted by ITEES in Singapore.

This programme was co-funded by Temasek Foundation, Singapore.

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